Friday, April 24, 2009

Final Part Two

Artifact One
For me the first artifact of the socal poster promped me to learn. I did't really get what it was trying to convery, until i read what it was for. But i was curious because its not typical to see a black tree with a background that conveys beauty, Also where it says SoCal 07, when i think of socal i think of beautiful palm trees, which again made me wonder why the tree was black. Over I think the artifact was successful, because if i saw it on the street i would be inclined to find out what it was all about. To a certain extent the poster make me want to help in the cause, but at the same time i didn't feel entirely pulled to help. I was to focused on trying to figure out what it is all about.

Artifact Two
I was a little shocked with the second artifact. It definatly was emotion grabbing. You never want someone to kill themselves and then you see this poster which by having the cartoonish finger in the barrel kind of made me like they didn't think it was that serious. But after I analyze why they did that i realize that it was emtion provoking and thats what makes in rememberable.
After realizing that it was made this way to be rememberable I felt the need to want to help. Once ya get passed the shock value, you can't get it out of your head and would make you want to act to help people who would be distressed enough to commit suicide.

Artifact Three
To me artifact three is very effective in communicating getting out and doing something. Its reminds me of the motivational poster of golf courses, that has words like determination at the bottom. They really make you want to get out perfect something, which is exactly what I think they were trying to accomplish.

Final part one

According to history the reason Inzo Ferrari chose the logo to have a black horse was in honor of a count in his home countries airfoce, who would paint the horse on his plane. After a couple years of just the horse Inzo dicided to use the yellow background in honor again of his home country. I think over time Ferrari logo has gained product recognition because i personally kow that when ever i seen a sports car i look for a little yellow dot on the bumper. And if its n0t there i know its not a Ferrari. Not only that but occassionally I've seen guys wearing leather jackets with the Ferrari logo on them, and i usually cant help but think that they only wish the could have a Ferrari. But for me the logo is easily recognizable.

I think for guys pretty much any sports car logo has brand recognition, But i think like Ferrari, Lamborghini has done a nice job in conveying power by using a strong animal in its logo. According to some sources on the net, Lamborghini purposely used the bull and the gold background, because they wanted it to be similiar to the Ferrari logo. Sports cars are powerful and these two brands use their logo effectively.

Mercedes Benz
The founder of Mercedes Benz designed the there point star logo because he wanted to convey a dominense on land, sea, and air. That three prong star has held up over time as Mercedes has become the worlds oldest car manufacturer. Mecedes has never changed the three pronged star, thought they have added backgrounds. I think it would be hard to find anyone who wouldn't recognize the logo for Mercedes.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I used the rule of thirds in my design. The top third has the restaurant logo over a shot of the moon. I picked a font that would be elegant. The middle third has prominent writing, over a picture of the restaurant. The lower third has pictures of possible dishes and location.